100% reclaimed carbon footprint®

Clean EnergyWatch

[Watch] 2021 is the Year of Climate Action. How do we get There?


We’re declaring 2021 the year of climate action

This year, we’ve heard a lot of climate commitments from companies big and small. They’ve pledged to everything from becoming carbon neutral to carbon negative, climate positive, and achieving net-zero carbon. We’ve established benchmarks. We have the technology. Now it’s time for climate action. We’re ready to get to work, so how do we get there? 

One of our greatest near-term opportunities is in our electricity grid. If we can reduce our greenhouse gases from our electricity, if we can stop burning fossil fuels to create electricity… then we will make a really big dent in our efforts to stop climate change.

Laura Zapata, Co-founder of Clearloop

In the United States, the sectors that emit the largest amount of carbon are transportation and electricity. As we transition to electric vehicles, more than ever the burden will be put on the electricity grid.

The electricity grid makes up 25% of America’s carbon emissions, and it’s also the lowest hanging fruit that we can eliminate. We have all the tools we need to clean up our grid and power our daily activities with zero-carbon 100% renewable electricity.  Slashing these emissions will not only clean up our grid, but create higher paying jobs and a new tax base for communities.

If companies invest in new solar energy, we can tackle the lowest hanging fruit at scale in our fight against climate change.  In order to combat the climate crisis, we’ll need all hands on deck.  Clearloop helps companies of all sizes invest in solar energy and claim carbon credits by offering one time investments, without contracts, that directly fund the construction of new solar projects.


Want to learn more about how to offset your carbon footprint and take climate action in 2021 with Clearloop? Drop us a note at hello@clearloop.us or contact us here.

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